Featured Client: Mission Garden


Website by my friend Marissa over at Colima Consulting

Social Media Design & Video

While their social media accounts are mostly managed in-house, I have created a few graphics and videos for Mission Garden that have performed well for them.

Featured Videos

This video is a great example of Instagram Reels that were made using existing photos from the client. “Working with what we’ve got” for their event marketing needs.

Instagram Reels are getting more views, and views from new users, than regular posts or stories.

Web Maintenance

As part of monthly services provided, I made regular updates to the Mission Garden website as requested by their team, or per the regular event schedule.

This includes publishing recurring monthly events, and larger special events.

To assist with this process, I developed an Event Template form custom to Mission Garden so they can submit their information to me for publishing in a streamlined manner.

Ongoing Website Updates

General Advising

Since working with Mission Garden, I’ve been able to lend creativity to assist them in reaching their goals. One of my proudest moments: When they communicated a need for photos that showcased their upscale events, I assisted them to bring in a photographer for their upcoming Agave Expo, part of the Agave Heritage Festival. Local talent Julius Schlosburg did an amazing job capturing the event, the crowd, and staff. The resulting photos turned out fantastic and can be viewed on the Mission Garden blog.

I also advised them to make improvements to their quarterly e-mail newsletter, shortening the e-mail and publishing the full articles on their website to create rich blog content with the materials originally intended only for email.

We also made some improvements to their social media presence, and we ran a successful Arizona Gives Day 2022 Campaign.

Photos by Julius Schlosburg